I got onto Photo.net and ran across an interesting series. Harold Davis is doing a series on creativity and inspiration. Gosh knows I am in need of a boot in the 'rear curtain' about now. It may be worth a look for you as well.
I also jumpped into a thread about camera gear. Someone has $1500 to invest in new Nikon gear and wanted advice between a high end consumer body and a lens (D90) or a low end pro body (D300). Regardless what you shoot you may want to look at the thread to see how people think about gear and why. Don't know about you, but $1500 is good money for almost anything.
I've gotten a suggestion on possible field trips in 2010: somebody in Lewiston has Clydsdales (don't know about a supply of Bud) and a nice farm on which to raise them. I can see a day imaging these beautiful animals. Maybe if the timing is right we can head over to Tabor's for ice cream and hit a bucket of golf balls off the driving range while other club members get some action shots.....
Then there is a Portland - Westbrook day trip. I'm to be incarcerated at a dog show with the woogums' next spring and it occurs to me that there could be some actin shots to be had at the show, and maybe an opportunity for some of you to help me escape to do some shooting in Portland. This isn't a plea, but the show isn't that close yet....
Please let me know if you have any interest in either trip...